Inhabitants, guesthouses and restaurants

In Sarichioi the majority consists of people that descending from Russians that flew from Tsar Peter the Great and crossed the Danube. The are called  Lipovans.

More and more guesthouses are built in the Romanian language called pensiunea.

At the moment there are three of them directly positioned at the border of the lake "Lacul Razim".

There also is a camping place called: Camping Zorile Albe

In the different guesthouses you can enjoy the local specialties such as fishsoup, sarmali, mititei and all kinds of  fresh fish caught in Lacul Razim.

In the centre of Sarichioi you find a Pizzeria, where they serve delicious pizza's at a price you can only dream of when you are at home.

During Lipovan wedding parties you can enjoy Lipovan Weddingparty music